Corkage Explained | Utilizing Corkage Like A Pro

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Dining out is almost always expensive when you consider the margins restaurant need to cover high overhead costs, and that’s before even considering tax and tip. But what about for us wine lovers? That’s where it can get prohibitively expensive, since the average restaurant charges between 2 – 4 times a wines retail price on their wine list.
Luckily, there’s a little thing called CORKAGE that every wine lover absolutely needs to know about – and most restaurants aren’t going to tell you about.
While the definition of corkage is the charge exacted by a restaurant for every bottle of wine served that was not actually purchased on the premises – what it really means to you is a tremendous cost savings when you want to enjoy a nice bottle of wine with dinner.
Simply put, utilizing corkage allows you to bring your own wine from home to enjoy at a restaurant and is an incredible way to enjoy wine and drink well for less! Follow these tips and you’ll know exactly what to expect and look like a pro while you’re at it!
Call Ahead – Know Before You Go | Utilizing the Corkage Fee