Buy Recommendation | Zaca Mesa Syrah Santa Barbara

Buy Recommendation | Zaca Mesa Syrah Santa Barbara

Zaca Mesa Syrah

I realize that I haven’t shared as many individual wine recommendations on my site lately. For that, I apologize, but the main culprit is that I just don’t have the time to write about every wine that might deserve the recognition. For that, I recommend following me on Instagram and checking out my stories. The other issue, is that I haven’t tasted many wines priced under $30 that have managed to win me over as much as the 2013 Zaca Mesa Syrah recently has time and time again.

I visited Zaca Mesa this past February when I did an in-depth tour of Santa Barbara Wine Country. I featured them in my coverage, so for the sake of brevity – let’s just say that Zaca Mesa’s history of pioneering the cultivation of Syrah in Santa Barbara may have some bearing on their ability to produce such an expressive, well-balanced, varietally correct and utterly delicious Syrah from entirely estate-grown fruit at just $28.

At full retail, the Zaca Mesa Syrah is a solid value. But when Last Bottle serendipitously offered this quaffable, character-laden Syrah at a generously discounted price I couldn’t help but purchase two cases. In hindsight, I should have purchased more as I’ve since depleted half of my stock – impressive even by my standards.

Typically, I favor diversity when selecting wines – but I just kept reaching for the succulent Zaca Mesa Syrah time after time. It’s dark and juicy, with rich blackberry coulis fruit underscore by bacon fat and spice nuances in a wonderfully balanced package. It’s a wine that doesn’t require overthinking, making the decision to open another bottle that much easier.

Zaca Mesa Syrah

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5 thoughts on “Buy Recommendation | Zaca Mesa Syrah Santa Barbara

  1. David Troup

    I will add my fervent agreement to your vote for the Zaca Mesa Syrah. I have purchased and consumed several bottles from the past few vintages and all have been good to excellent, and great value for the money. The 2013 is definitely good stuff.

    One note: I haven’t tried the 2014 vintage yet, but it’s gotten some uncharacteristically negative reviews from folks on CellarTracker. It may be advisable to buy a bottle of the 2014 and try it before going “all in” on a case; if the reviews are to be believed, they may be having an off year, or there may just be a couple of fickle reviewers. It hasn’t been out long enough to gather tons of feedback, so a couple of bad reviews can really skew things.

  2. Sinta Wiranata

    How much Zaca Mesa Syrah price?. Is it available for me to get Zaca Mesa Syrah in United Kingdom?. If yes, can you recommend market who selling Zaca Mesa Syrah?. Thank you for attention. It will help me so much.

    1. The Fermented Fruit Post author

      Hi Sinta,

      I recommend reaching out to your local retailers to see if they carry Zaca Mesa’s wines. You might also consider reaching out to the winery directly.

      Hope you’re able to track some down!


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